The Most Inspiring Celebrity Weight Loss Stories

Sometimes celebs need to lose weight, like us. Here are some inspiring celebrity weight loss stories, including Alec Baldwin, Jessica Simpson, and more!

Abby Lee Miller – Down 8 Sizes

Hollywood Body Transformations

TLC, Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock

If you’ve watched any reality television in the last decade, then you likely know what Dance Moms is. If not, it’s a show about young dancers and what they need to go through to accomplish their goals of becoming star dancers. The head dance instructor on the reality show, in charge of children and their bickering parents, is Abby Lee Miller. Like many other celebrity weight loss journeys, the dance instructor’s began with a type II diabetes diagnosis.

However, as an influential dance instructor, Miller wasn’t about to let that stop her from teaching. Even though she admitted she went through a rocky start, Miller now has a handle on the difficult lifestyle changes. All that effort paid off, as she dropped from a size 24 size to a size 16. More importantly, Miller gets to continue doing what she loves the most: teach dance!

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