Alexey Laputin/Shutterstock
Do you hate spicy chili peppers? Well, if so, it might be time to change your diet. Chili peppers are not just spicy - they are also great for your health! That's according to a recent study that demonstrated that chili peppers can help you live longer!
Time To Start Eating Chili Peppers

Larisa Blinova/Shutterstock
According to the latest study from the American Heart Association, chili peppers positively impact human bodies, making them healthier and live longer. Why? Well, it all has to do with the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and blood-glucose regulating effects of chili peppers. During their research, the team reviewed 4,728 studies related to chili peppers and 570,000 health records and diets of people from the U.S., China, Italy, and Iran. Then, they compare the records to those who did eat chili peppers versus those who did not. And the evidence was clear: those that ate peppers have a 26% reduction in cardiovascular mortality, a 23% reduction in cancer mortality, and a 25% reduction in all-cause mortality. That's right!
“We were surprised to find that in these previously published studies, regular consumption of chili pepper was associated with an overall risk-reduction of all cause, CVD and cancer mortality," said senior author and cardiologist Bo Xu. "It highlights that dietary factors may play an important role in overall health."
So, how many peppers should you eat? Read on to find out!
Live Longer With Each Bite

Unfortunately, there's no exact number of chili peppers you should consume each day. The amount and type of pepper varied greatly, with each study including different information. "More research, especially evidence from randomized controlled studies, is needed to confirm these preliminary findings," said Xu. Still, while more research is needed, there's certainly no harm in adding a few more chili peppers to your diet!
So, you want to try eating a few more of these delicious life savers? Well, there you can add slices of chili peppers to almost anything: egg scrambles, stir-fries, soups, salads, and even different sandwiches. Of course, they are also perfect for making your own hot sauce as well! Want to make them a little less spicy? Simply cut off the stem and take out the seeds to make it milder before cooking. Rinsing them thoroughly and keeping them in ice water can help cut down on the spiciness as well. Finally, you can also try roasting them or pickling the peppers in vinegar. Who knows? Maybe you'll develop a whole new pickling hobby!
Just be careful while cooking - an eyeful of chili pepper juice can have some severe repercussions! So make sure to wash your hands and remeber the old spicy saying: you can always make something hotter by adding more chili peppers, but you can't take them out. So taste your food as you cook, making sure nothing's too hot!